Shropshire Star

Row shines light on future of town's lamp

A row has broken out over the ownership of a broken street light in desperate need of repair.

The historic light in the town square, Montgomery

Montgomery Town Council, Powys County Council and Powis Estates all deny owning a Victorian street light attached to the Grade II listed Conduit near The Dragon Hotel in Montgomery.

Residents say the light, which was damaged in storms earlier this year, is the only source of light down that lane in the winter, and that it can be very dark and icy.

Oliver Lewis, Montgomery town councillor, is campaigning to the county council to have the light repaired as he feels it is a critical piece of the town's historic past.

Stephen Hayes, Powys county councillor, who represents Montgomery, said the council is not in a position to take over responsibility for something they do not own.

Councillor Lewis said: "Montgomery is one of the best-preserved Georgian market towns in Britain, and an important destination for tourists bringing much-needed income for Powys's fragile rural economy. All of the fine historical details and nuances of the town make it what it is.

"It comes as a great disappointment that Montgomery's County Councillor, Stephen Hayes, and Powys County Council's highways department, have decided in their wisdom not to find funds for the restoration of the town's only surviving original Victorian public lamp.

"As a town council we will find a way around it and solve the problem."


Councillor Hayes said the Powys County Council portfolio holder for highways, Phyl Davis, attended the site to look at the structure and he said the department was not prepared to take on responsibility for the light.

"Highways understand it probably belongs to Powis Estates as the light is attached to a walled structure that belongs to Powis Estates," he said.

"I have raised this and the county council have established that they do not own the structure.

"I have discussed this at some length with the relevant cabinet member and I have to accept his decision.

"I fully share the desire to restore the light and the restoration of the structure of the wall joined to it but the county council are not just there to supply funds when no-one else can. No residents have raised this issue with me."

Jack Tavernor, estate manager at Powis Estates, said the walled was owned by the estate but the attached street light was not.

He said: "The lamp would be in their town light circuit so one of them has responsibility for it. We own the structure underneath."

The street light in Montgomery's town square was supplied with public electricity but the town council asked to cut the power off as a health and safety precaution as it is faulty and in need of repair.