Shropshire Star

Laser shone into sky from Shropshire affects Ryanair plane

A Ryanair passenger plane was affected by a green laser light being shone from land on the south Shropshire/Powys border.

Last updated

Police have warned such action is a criminal offence.

Officers from Dyfed Powys Police said the laser was used on two occasions across land close to Mellington Hall, Churchstoke.

They say they can't pin point exactly where the light was shone from but say Mellington Hall has a caravan park on site and has numerous farms adjoining the area.

Constable Cath Edwards said: "The green laser affected a Ryan air flight flying across the area at around 11.13pm on Saturday.

"It is a crime to use laser lights in this way and it can be incredibly dangerous to air traffic."

She urged anyone with information about the incident to contact Dyfed Powys police on 101.

Laws brought in last year mean that anyone who uses a laser likely to dazzle or distract, air traffic controllers, pilots, captains of boats and drivers of road vehicles, could face up to five years imprisonment.