Shropshire Star

Increase in mental health problems for young people police and crime commissioner is told

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn is urging young people who are struggling, to reach out for support following a sharp increase in police involvement in supporting young people under the mental health act, and a number of suspected suicide incidents in Dyfed-Powys during October and November.

Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn

The Police and Crime Commissioner was made aware of the sharp increase in incidents at a Policing Board meeting in December, where the Police and Crime Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account on policing matters.

Figures show that in October and November, four cases of suspected suicide incidents were reported amongst young people aged between 16 and 24 years old, which Mr Llywelyn described as tragic.

There has been an increase in the number of Section 136 orders under the Mental Health Act for under 18’s and all youth support services are reporting a surge in demand.

Mr Llywelyn said; “There are a number of support services available for young people who are struggling or who are suffering with mental health, and I am urging young people to reach out, talk to others and not to suffer in silence.

“I have been made aware that here in Dyfed Powys, we have recently seen a sharp increase in police involvement in supporting young people under the mental health act, to take them to a place of safety, as well as having to attend a number of suspected suicide incidents during October and November – which is tragic.

“It has been very difficult for young people over the pandemic period. It can be tough for them sometimes to express their emotions, especially when their circumstances change. Lockdown for instance showed us how a change in circumstances can have a severe impact on young people. Having less privacy and less access to friends, families and colleagues as a result of being at home all the time, or having to work or learn within a new environment all mitigate against feeling safe and emotionally well.

“I would urge us all to help young people in any way possible, not to wait for them to suffer.

“If you are a parent who is worried about your child, or you are concerned about someone else, reach out to them before it’s too late. We need to ensure that we enable our young people to be themselves, to express themselves, and to share their challenges openly.

“The force is continuing to invest in mental health training and operational resources to help tackle these challenges. I can provide reassurance to the public that your officers and staff are working tirelessly with partner agencies on a daily basis to address these increasing demands.

“If you are a young person who is struggling, talk to friends, family members, colleagues, or reach out to the support services that are there to support you – don’t suffer in silence”.

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