Former council depot sold for at least £150,000
A former council depot has been sold, and the deal could have made more than £150,000 for Powys County Council .
The agreement to sell the Presteigne site comes after a delegated decision was taken by cabinet member for education and property, Councillor Phyl Davies for the “disposal of the depot”.
The decision notice transfers the delegated authority to Gwilym Davies, the council’s head of property, planning and public protection, to accept the “best offer” received for the former area offices which is on Mill Lane in the town.
The report says: “This follows an appropriate period of marketing and negotiation, where that offer is at, or in excess of, the marketing guide.”
The details of the deal are being kept confidential with paragraph 14 of schedule 12 A of the Local Government Act 1972 used to justify the secrecy.
This means that “information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) is exempt information if public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information”.
On the Powys council website, the guide price for the sale is for offers of £150,000 or more.
The 2.5 acre site which has 1,950 square metres of hard surfaced fenced land, includes a number of industrial units together with open storage and undeveloped land.
The site also has a former salt barn, a work bay and a portable cabin
There are five parking spaces on Mill Lane which are associated with the site, but they could be sold separately.
Unless the decision is called in for scrutiny, it will come into force on Monday, January 10.