Shropshire Star

Training to help fill the skills gap in hospitality and tourism industry

Regional tourism trade organisation Mid Wales Tourism and training provider Cambrian Training Company are joining forces to deliver skills training to tourism and hospitality businesses across Mid Wales.

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Val Hawkins of Mid Wales Tourism. Photo Phil Blagg

A programme of practical skills workshops, curated by Cambrian Training Company, will be delivered online to members of Mid Wales Tourism throughout 2022 to help tackle a skills and staffing crisis across the tourism and hospitality industry.

The first online event to launch the workshop series will take place on February 8, coinciding with National Apprenticeship Week.

Businesses will hear from speakers at Cambrian Training Company about the benefits of apprenticeships, a selection of the apprenticeships on offer and how to recruit an apprentice, followed by a question and answer session.

Cambrian Training Company was established in Welshpool in 1995 as a subsidiary of Mid Wales Tourism to deliver vocational skills that supported the development of the region’s tourism sector. It is now an independent company, with offices across Wales, and the leading provider of apprenticeships to the country’s hospitality industry.

Mid Wales Tourism is a membership organisation that represents more than 600 tourism and hospitality businesses across Powys, Ceredigion and Southern Snowdonia.

Arwyn Watkins, managing director of Cambrian Training Company, said: “We have always remembered our roots with Mid Wales Tourism and we are delighted to be working with Mid Wales Tourism to deliver these workshops for their members, free of charge.

“This is an important way for us to help support the Welsh tourism industry to find new ways of building their businesses, supporting local communities and enhancing the skill set of those employed in this vital industry for the Welsh economy. We must keep training and skills at the forefront.”

Val Hawkins, chief executive of Mid Wales Tourism, said: “We share Cambrian Training Company’s concern about the staffing crisis affecting the tourism and hospitality industry.

“With investment in skills and training being so important, we encourage all our businesses to sign up for these skills workshops and look longer-term at the benefits of providing apprenticeship opportunities.

“Supporting the tourism industry in Mid Wales is at the heart of what we do and we are very pleased to bring the expertise of Cambrian Training Company to our members.”

All online events and skills workshops will be publicised on Mid Wales Tourism’s trade event calendar on for businesses to sign up.

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