Shropshire Star

Shooting group meets Dyfed Powys police chief over licensing concerns

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation has met representatives from Dyfed Powys Police to discuss issues raised around firearms licensing in the force area.

Last updated
Dr Richard Lewis

The meeting was called after BASC dealt with over 80 membership enquiries in the last year regarding the service provided by Dyfed Powys firearms licensing department.

In a letter issued following the meeting Dyfed Powys Chief Constable Dr Richard Lewis said he was grateful to BASC for bringing to his attention issues that its members had previously experienced with the force.

He said he has met with the force’s firearms licensing department to identify ways to improve the service they provide to licence holders.

Steve Griffiths, BASC Wales Director, said: “Our engagement with the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner has been both constructive and productive. We raised several important issues that our members in Dyfed Powys have brought to our attention.

“For many in Dyfed Powys owning a firearm is a requirement of work. It is vital the service provided is effective and consistent. We look forward to continuing this engagement to benefit our members in the force area.”

There will be a further meeting in March.

The meeting was part of BASC's ongoing engagement with police forces focusing on issues around firearms licensing. BASC is the only UK shooting organisation with a dedicated firearms team, dealing with all aspects of firearms ownership.

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