Shropshire Star

Controversial plan to convert historic pub into house set to be decided

Controversial plans to convert an historic 18th century pub into a four-bedroom house will be decided by councillors next week.

Last updated
Plan – The Cottage Inn in Montgomery

A proposal by Michael David Broxton to convert The Cottage Inn on Forden Road, Montgomery, will go to Powys County Council's planning committee on Wednesday .

The Cottage Inn has been used as a visitor centre for Monty’s Brewery but closed in 2020.

The proposal has seen a huge backlash with a Save The Cottage group set up on Facebook and 85 official objections have been lodged against the conversion.

Objectors believe that the building should be kept as a pub.

They claim that there are a lack of commercial properties like this in the area, and that the conversion will affect the local economy.

Montgomery town council has also “strongly objected” to the proposal and says there is demand for eating and drinking hospitality businesses.

A single letter supporting the proposal has been lodge which says the conversion would save a disused building from disrepair.

Planning officer Luke Woosnam the building had been for sale for some time.

He said: “Proposals promoting alternative uses of existing neighbourhood or village shops, public houses or other services will be required to demonstrate that the premises have been actively marketed for a minimum of six months and that genuine efforts to sell or let the property over that period have been unsuccessful.

“As part of the application the agent has submitted evidence of active marketing of the property. The evidence submitted includes details of the sales literature, advertisement campaign and buyer interest over the period.”

Mr Woosnam said The Cottage Inn had been for sale from December 10, 2021 to July 22 for offers of £400,000.

“Officers are satisfied that the property has been robustly marketed at an appropriate price. Opportunity has been given for alternative solutions to support the long-term economic viability of the business to be explored and come forward."

Councillors are being recommended to support the application.

Forden and Montgomery county councillor, Jeremy Brignell-Thorp is set to speak against the proposal as are representatives of Montgomery town council.

The building has been used as a public house, a curry house and a brewery visitor centre.