500-year-old ring found by metal detectorist officially declared treasure

A ring thought to be more than 500 years old, and found by a metal detectorist, has been declared as treasure.

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The ring. Image from Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales.

Six archaeological finds, including a Roman silver toilet spoon, a Bronze Age hoard, and a post-Medieval silver-gilt finger ring were all declared treasure.

The items received the declaration on Thursday last week from South Wales Central coroner Patricia Morgan.

The finger ring was found by Carlton Sheath in August, while metal-detecting in Duhonw, near Builth Wells.

The find was handed over to Felicity Sage, historic environment record manager at the Dyfed Archaeological Trust.

It was couriered to Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales for identification and reporting by Sian Iles, curator of Medieval & Later Archaeology.