Town's primary and secondary schools to merge
A Powys town's primary and secondary schools are to be merged to bring all-through education to the town.
Local councillors today welcomed the move saying it would secure the future of dual stream, bilingual education for Llanfyllin.
If proposals go ahead the new school for four to 18-year-olds could be open in two years.
Powys Council Council's cabinet is being asked to approve formal consultation on proposals to amalgamate Llanfyllin High School and Llanfyllin County Primary School.
It would operate as an all-through four to 18 school on the existing school sites within the town centre.
Pupil numbers at both schools are forecast to fall in the coming years with a combined total projected to fall from 844 in January next year to 702 by January 2023.
Llanfyllin councillor, Peter Lewis, said: "This is fantastic. It is very exciting times for school provision in Llanfyllin.
"This proposal would secure the future of the fantastic, dual-stream, bilingual education that we have in north Powys."
Powys cabinet member for learning and Welsh, Councillor Myfanwy Alexander, in a report to the cabinet, said the county council had received a letter from the two school’s governing body supporting proposals for an amalgamation of the schools from September 2020.
“We are working with the school communities in Llanfyllin to develop the integrated and high-quality educational provision which will prepare our learners for the challenge they will face in their working lives. The school structure would fit the exciting new curriculum with its emphasis on well-being and creativity will give the young people the best possible start.”
She said that, if approved, the proposals would provide a more efficient, sustainable model for delivering Welsh and English medium primary and secondary in the area.
"The students would have with seamless progression through each key stage of education.
The move would give Powys only its second, all-through school.
If the recommendation for formal consultation is approved, it is anticipated that consultation will start in October.
The target date for closure of the two schools is August 31, 2020, with the new school opening on the September 1, 2020.
The cabinet will consider the recommendation on September 18.