Busy agenda for Llanfyllin Town Council
Llanfyllin Town council will hold its April meeting tonight online, starting at 7pm.
By Sue Austin
There is a busy agenda for the meeting with items including a litter pick for the town and the state of the path to the primary school.
A funding update will be given for the Transforming Towns project in response to Covid 19 and councillors will also look at the return to face-to-face meetings in the public institute.
Llanfyllin's allotments will also be discussed as will plans for a sponsored charity walk later this year.
To join the Zoom Meeting go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81141850218?pwd=Q1g0VWJldm9KY2Q1ZS9OejRjeVRCdz09, Meeting ID: 811 4185 0218.