Shropshire Star

Canoeists' access points planned along section of River Severn

Plans have been submitted to have four river access points for canoeists built on part of the Severn in Newtown.

Last updated

The application is part of proposals by Open Newtown - formally known as Going Green for a Living - to make use of open spaces in the town.

Submitted by Open Newtown’s chairman, Stuart Owen, the application will be in front of Powys County Council’s planning committee on Thursday.

This item follows a previous one on the agenda which discusses plans for an access track, parking spaces, changing room building with polytunnel and shed.

The report explains that the application is to build wooden Steps and canoe runners.

The construction of the steps includes compacted crushed stone sub base with concrete case, timber steps, handrail and runners and small section of new gravel path to join to the existing pathway.

The site for these points are:

  • At Vaynor sports field

  • Upstream of the rapid at Back Lane car park

  • Downstream of the rapid at Back Lane car park

  • Exit at Gravel Lane car park

The report says: “The four sites comprise small areas of riverbank which, due to the topography and proximity to the river, are not actively used for recreational purposes.


“The proposed development would facilitate the recreational use of the river and open up these areas for access and general recreation.

“It is considered the proposal would enhance the recreational potential on these areas if open space and riverine environment and are considered acceptable.”

The report goes on to say that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and the county ecologist were satisfied that the scheme would not have a bad effect on protected species in the area.

Planning officers recommend that the development is approved with conditions.

The application is part of Open Newtown’s vision of managing open spaces more imaginatively.

They are set to receive tenure of around 130 acres of land from PCC to be held in a Community Land Trust.

In 2018 Open Newtown received £1.1 million from the Big Lottery to use on the project.

The deal between Powys County Council passing the land over to Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council and then to Open Newtown is still being finalised.

By Elgan Hearn, local democracy reporter