Shropshire Star

Angels give helping hand to food bank

The Welshpool Community Angels Group has handed over £1,000 to help support the Welshpool Foodbank.

Pictured left to right are:Councillor Graham Breeze; Welshpool Foodbank Organiser Rob Field and CommunityAngels Group organiser Rev Steve Willson, (corr)Vicar of Welshpool.

The Community Angels Group was formed in March 2020 to help support isolating residents of the town including prescription collection and shopping issues during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The group has also helped collect and deliver food parcels to isolating residents from the Trussell Trust Welshpool Foodbank which is based at Kingswood Church.

The Welshpool Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in local communities across the UK. Foodbank Organiser Rob Field said demand had almost doubled during Covid.

“We are really grateful for donations because our volume demand has risen from around 12 tonnes to over 20 tonnes during the last 12 months,” he said.

“Supermarkets have been extremely supportive in supplying us with goods but we still need to go out to purchase items ourselves so the cash donation from the Community Angels is very welcome.”

Powys County Councillor Graham Breeze, who is one of the Welshpool Community Angels Group organisers, said: “As a group we are delighted to be able to support the Welshpool Foodbank, which is doing an amazing job supporting Welshpool area people at such a difficulty time for us all.“But I also have to thank the businesses and residents of Welshpool who have donated so generously to help the group over the last year. Without that assistance we would not be able to support in this way.“Those donations have also helped us to continue supporting the invaluable meals on wheels by Welshpool Town Council.“I also have to thank all the volunteers who have come forward to make all this activity possible – activity which continues in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our residents.”

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