Paterson backs Boris at Tory conference

North Shropshire MP, Owen Paterson, says Boris Johnson is ready to take on Corbyn over the future of Britain.

Owen Paterson

Mr Paterson said the former foreign secretary's speech at the Tory Party Conference yesterday was everything that the mainstream of Conservative politics wanted.

"From the merits of free markets and extending international contracts to private house owning, I agreed with everything he said as did the rest of the audience," he said.

"As he finished the hall errupted with spontaneous applause.

"It was great to see someone being optimistic, someone ready to take on Corbyn."

The Shropshire MP would not been drawn over whether it had been a prime minister in waiting speech that Boris Johnson had made but said.

"The prime minster has to see that we cannot accept the Chequers deal on Brexit, it a completely ghastly mess."

During a speech made by Mr Paterson on Monday the former environment and Northern Ireland secretary pledge to vote against the Tory whip if the deal was not altered.