Shropshire Star

Shropshire ambulance crisis: MP repeats call for urgent action

North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan has written to Health Secretary Sajid Javid, repeating her call for the Government to instruct the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to conduct an official investigation into Shropshire’s ambulance crisis.

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Helen Morgan

The letter came after an interview with Mark Docherty, the nursing director of West Midlands Ambulance Service, in the Health Service Journal who predicted the service could ‘collapse’ by August.

Mr Docherty also said patients were “dying every day” and he could not understand why NHS England and the CQC were not “all over this issue”.

Ms Morgan said: “The interview with Mark Docherty is truly shocking and is further evidence of an ambulance service that is on its knees due to a mix of GP shortages, lack of hospital beds, handover issues and a shortage of doctors; all of which are down to chronic inaction on behalf of this government.

"That is why I have reiterated my calls for the Government to commission the CQC and properly investigate the root causes of this problem so that the service doesn’t collapse.

"Every day the Government waits to commission this review is another day closer to the service's potential collapse. This is an urgent matter for people across North Shropshire.”