Shropshire Star

Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes backs MP's call to ban trophy hunting

MP Helen Morgan has thrown her support behind a campaign to stop British hunters bringing home trophies of endangered animals.

MP Helen Morgan backs ban on trophy hunting

The North Shropshire MP is supported by record-breaking explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes and legendary conservationist Jane Goodall in calling for trophy hunting to be banned.

A recent cross-party committee report found British trophy hunters have brought home 5,000 trophies of threatened species in recent years.

Lions, elephants, hippos and zebras are among the most popular animals. Others shot and brought into the UK include polar bears, giraffes, cheetahs, rhinos and monkeys.

A bill to prohibit trophy hunters’ souvenirs is currently going through Parliament. An opinion poll by Survation found 86 per cent of voters are in favour of the ban, with just 2 per cent against.

Helen said: “Trophy hunting is disgusting and I fully agree with banning British hunters from bringing back the animals that they kill.

“The law needs to be changed and that’s why I’m supporting this bill.

“We need to be looking after endangered species, not encouraging wealthy people to pay thousands of pounds to shoot them.”

Sir Ranulph said: “I wholeheartedly support Helen Morgan MP’s campaign to stop British trophy hunters bringing home the sick souvenirs of animals they kill for fun.

"Trophy hunting is barbaric and cowardly. It is also sheer madness when so much of the world’s wildlife is under threat.

“The vast majority of voters want this so-called ‘sport’ banished to the history books. We need to listen to what voters are saying and do the right thing for wildlife.

"That is why I applaud Helen Morgan’s work on this issue. They are doing a great job in putting this issue on the map and speaking up for their constituents as well as for endangered animals.”

Ms Goodall said: “I have struggled to get into the mind of someone who can behave like this. We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers and yet we have these people, so what is motivating them? How can they feel pride?”