Shropshire Star

'Caring, thoughtful, and with just the right amount of crazy' – nine-year-old Evelyn ready to chop her locks for charity

A young girl described by her teacher as “caring, thoughtful, and with just the right amount of crazy” will be shaving off her long hair to raise funds for a local children’s hospice charity.

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Evelyn preparing for the chop.

On Saturday, Evelyn Everett, nine, of Overton, between Shropshire and Wrexham, will be losing her locks in a sponsored shave for Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith – and also donating the hair to the Little Princess Trust.

Evelyn’s mum, Aimee said: “We’re so proud of her, it really sums up who she is.

“As parents, my husband Simon and I are really nervous for her – Simon even offered to match fund any money she raised if she didn’t do it.

“But she is so determined to see it through.”

Evelyn, nine, who will have all her long hair shaved off for charity.

The Everett family chose to raise money for Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith as they have seen the impact of their work on close friends whose children access care and support at the hospices.

Aimee added: “Evelyn had the idea last November and knows her hair will soon enough grow back, she cares more about helping others than she does her hair.

“Her school teacher even once described her as being ‘caring, thoughtful, and with just the right amount of crazy’, that describes her perfectly.”

The head shave will take place at the family home by a professional hairdresser.

The Little Princess Trust is a charity that make real hair wigs for children who may have lost theirs through treatment for cancer and other conditions.

People can sponsor Evelyn by visiting, or by going to Just Giving and searching for the “Evelyn’s Going Bald Page”.

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