Shropshire Star

Shropshire bracing for more floods after snowy deluge

Shropshire is bracing itself for more flooding as weather warnings for wind, snow and ice were issued.

Last updated
Two yellow weather warnings affect parts of Shropshire. Picture: Met Office

After a deluge of snow in the latter part of last week, "surprisingly high" river levels are being forecast, with flood barriers going up in Shrewsbury on Monday.

The River Severn is expected to peak in Shrewsbury and Ironbridge on Wednesday and Bridgnorth on Thursday. It comes after the county faced more flooding in January - the fourth year in a row.

Dave Throup, a retired Enviroment Agency manager, said: "Here we go! After six weeks without rain, a couple of downpours, combined with snow melt means multiple flood alerts are now in place across the patch.

"Some surprisingly high levels forecast too on the upper Severn. 4m at Shrewsbury would require barriers."

Flood warnings, meaning flooding is expected, are in place for the River Vyrnwy at Maesbrook and Melverley.

Flood alerts, meaning flooding is possible, are in place for Rea Brook and Cound Brook, the River Dee catchment in England from Whitchurch to Chester, River Severn in Shropshire, Severn Vyrnwy confluence, Tern and Perry catchments and Upper Teme.

The Environment Agency said: "River levels have risen at the Cae Howel river gauge as a result of heavy rainfall. Consequently, flooding of roads and farmland is possible from this morning onwards.

"We expect flooding to affect properties and roads in and around Maesbrook. We expect river levels to remain high for the next few days. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses."

For the alert covering the Severn in Shropshire, the agency said: "River levels have risen at the Crew Green river gauge as a result of heavy rainfall. Consequently, flooding is expected to continue. We expect flooding to affect low lying land & roads adjacent the river from Shrewsbury to Upper Arley.

"Locations that may be affected are White Abbey, Coalbrookdale, Ironbridge & Bridgnorth. River Severn bankfull at White Abbey.

"Predicted Peaks: Crew Green 6.1m to 6.5m tomorrow afternoon, Montford 6m to 6.4m on Wednesday, Welshbridge 4m to 4.4m on Wednesday, Buildwas 5.3m to 5.7m on Wednesday, Bridgnorth 4.2m to 4.7m on Thursday.

"Further rainfall is forecast over the next week. We expect river levels to remain high for the next few days. We are closely monitoring the situation.

"Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses & plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded."

The Met Office has also issued two yellow weather warnings covering parts of the county. A warning for wind affects the eastern edge of Shropshire and will be active from 10am to 6pm today. The office warns: "Strong and gusty southwesterly winds may lead to some disruption, particularly for prone high-sided vehicles.

"Some short term loss of power and other services is possible. Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely and damage to trees is also likely. Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer."

A warning for snow and ice affecting north Shropshire will be in force from 5pm today until 10am tomorrow.

The office says: "Rain, sleet and snow followed by ice likely to cause some impacts to travel.

"Some roads and railways likely to be affected with longer journey times by road, bus and train services Some injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces. Probably some icy patches on some untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths."