Shropshire Star

New trustee for Shropshire Community Foundation

The board of Shropshire Community Foundation has been boosted by the addition of a new trustee.

Roger Pemberton

Roger Pemberton has lived in the county since 1980 and built up a successful distribution business which operated across the UK and beyond.

After retiring, Roger – who was raised and educated in North Wales – has volunteered his time in a number of roles including being a trustee of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, chair of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, and his current role as Provincial Grandmaster of Shropshire Freemasons.

He will be supporting the Foundation to distribute funding to communities and areas most in need across Shropshire, drawing on his knowledge of the county and his extensive background in the voluntary and private sectors.

Roger, a dad of three and grandfather of seven, said: “Shropshire has been amazingly good to me and my family. When I started my company I spent a lot of time travelling around the county, meeting customers and making many friends. Their support enabled me to grow my business across the country.

“I’m delighted to join the Foundation and give something back to Shropshire, bringing my experience from previous boards where I’ve been able to learn a lot about governance and getting things done efficiently and with enthusiasm!”

Foundation Chair Selina Graham said Roger would be a valuable asset to the team of trustees, who were working to support communities across the county to thrive.

“We have a wealth of experience within the board which Roger is going to be a valuable part of – the more people like him we can bring into the Foundation, the more effectively we can achieve our aims, and the more people we can support,” she said.

Shropshire Community Foundation was set up last year to ensure the county had a dedicated resource which matches individuals and business looking to donate to the people most in need of their philanthropy.

Through corporate, legacy and various other methods of giving, an Investors in the Community programme, and the formation of charitable trusts on behalf of donors, the Foundation is able to support the health, happiness and fulfilment of Shropshire’s people.

Visit for more information or search Shropshire Community Foundation on social media.

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