Calls for survey to look at Market Drayton road safety
Calls have been made for a traffic survey and weight limit to be imposed on a main road in Market Drayton, due to safety concerns.

Residents have raised concerns after the safety of pedestrians walking up Smithfield Road.
Market Drayton Town Council is asking Shropshire Council to carry out a traffic survey, impose a weight limit and upgrade the lighting system.
Also as the road forms part of the A529, councillors are hoping improvements will be made to Smithfield Road by using government funding.
The A529 has been recognised as one of the 50 roads with the worst safety record in Britain, and Shropshire Council has confirmed it is bidding for £3.8 million from the government to make the road safer.
Councillor Roy Aldcroft, Shropshire councillor for Market Drayton East, said: "I have contacted Shropshire Council in the view of getting a traffic survey carried out.
"This will then help us to see how many vehicles use that road, what sizes the vehicles are etc.
"However Shropshire Council said there was no money in the budget for a survey at the moment but they may be able to carry one out next year."
Councillor Aldcroft said in the meantime he has asked Shropshire Council to turn the street lighting on 24/7 on Smithfield Road.
He said: "At the moment staff who work shifts at the nearby Palethorpes are having to walk in the dark along Smithfield road as the street lights are not on.
"This is dangerous as the footpath is narrow in places and it is a busy road.
"We would also like a weight limit put on the road.
"Ultimately we want a major traffic survey carried out and also look at the option of making the road one way.
"All this could take up to five years for funding and getting people to agree.
"We want to see it done in phases."
Councillor Steve Glover said: "This road has been discussed numerous times over the last 15 years by the road safety group.
"A traffic survey needs to be done and also the speed of traffic using the road should be monitored using a speed gun.
"Also if the residents on that road cut their hedges back it would help with viability."
Councillor Roger Smith added: "I live nearby and the main issues is large wagons use the road to come into the town to get to Palethorpes.
"I would support a weight limit but I think a one way system would cause chaos for the residents."
Dave Gradwell, Shropshire Council’s area traffic engineer – north, said: “In order to consider the introduction of a weight restriction or one way system on Smithfield Road, this would need to be put forward by Market Drayton Town Council as a ‘community- led’ concern under Shropshire Council’s agreed Road Safety Policy process.
"To date, I have received nothing from the town council requesting this to be considered. However, we will look to see whether there is any available funding to carry out the initial traffic survey.”