250-home estate in Market Drayton moves a step closure
Amended plans for a major 250-home housing development in Market Drayton have been recommended for approval.
The proposal by Danbank Developments to build the homes off land off Greenfields Lane will go back before councillors at a meeting next week.
An outline planning application was previously considered by members of Shropshire Council's north planning committee in November 2014, February 2015 and July 2015 to build the homes on a 11 hectare site on the northern side of the town, on the inside of the A53.
Now that the application site area has reduced, councillors will be asked to re-consider the proposal.
A report by Shropshire Council case officer Karen Townend states: "The application was originally presented to committee alongside an application on adjacent land to the west by Gladman Developments. The adjacent site has since been granted reserved matters consent and the housing is under construction. The application for this site is still pending a decision.
"The July 2015 report was approved subject to the deletion of the proposed access off the A53 as the development of this site was required to be connected to the adjacent development site and served off the new roundabout provided by that development, and also from the existing estate road Hampton Drive. Members previously resolved to support the proposal.
"This report is before members as the application site area has reduced and as committee previously determined the application the changes to the proposal need to be considered by members.
"The change to the site area is the deletion of the land occupied by PD Stevens business. As such the applicant has also submitted a noise assessment to consider the potential impact on the future residents of the application site from the PD Stevens business which will remain."
Shropshire Council is currently reviewing its local plan which states a further 1,200 homes is needed in Market Drayton by 2036.
On top of the ones already planned, a further 641 dwellings will need to be identified on new housing sites, the plan states.
The report which will go before the planning committee next week adds: "The site is allocated as part of a housing development site within the SAMDev and is within the development boundary for Market Drayton. As such the principle of developing the site is acceptable.
"Furthermore the site is in a sustainable location, on the edge of the existing built development, where it benefits from the facilities, services and infrastructure offered by the market town and will provide additional housing supply in accord with national planning policy priorities.
"The proposed accesses via the adjacent housing development and off Hampton Drive are acceptable in principle as means of access to the site, the development of the site would not result in severe traffic impacts, increase flood risk or adversely affect statutorily protected species and can be developed in a way that would not significantly affect the amenities of existing of future residents, including the dwellings to be build adjacent to PD Stevens business."
The planning committee will meet in Shirehall in Shrewsbury on Tuesday at 2pm.