Shropshire Star

Market Drayton youngster launches fundraising drive to get to Florida

A seven-year-old girl from Market Drayton, who suffers from epilepsy and neurological abnormalities, has launched a fundraising campaign in aid of a charity that wants to treat her to a dream holiday.

Aimee-Leigh Groves

Aimee-Leigh Groves' condition has left her unable to stand or walk and she has regular seizures.

Her mother Bernadette says her condition is deteriorating and she says her daughter has lost interest in her toys and going outside to play.

To get some much needed respite from her condition, Bernadette decided to apply for a place for Aimee-Leigh on Caudwell Children’s annual Destination Dreams holiday to Disney World in Florida.

Caudwell Children is a national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families.

The charity created Destination Dreams in 2007 to give 25 children with life threatening conditions the opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to Disney World each year.

Bernadette was delighted when Aimee-Leigh was offered a place on the trip.

However, due to a funding shortfall the race is now on to raise the necessary funds to cover the cost of the holiday.

It has led to Aimee-Leigh launching an online fundraising campaign in the hope of raising £12,000.

Bernadette said: “I was amazed when I found out that we were one of only 25 families that had been selected for Destination Dreams.

"Aimee-Leigh’s nine-year-old brother, Daniel, and her 15-year-old sister, Autumn, couldn’t believe it.

“The families are really well looked after on the holiday as the charity provide a dedicated team of paediatric doctors and nurses who are available 24/7.

"They also take along over 40 volunteers to assist families around the theme parks.

“But because of the associated costs of taking very poorly children overseas the charity has to pay, on average, £12,000 per family.

“However, with the trip scheduled for February 2018 the charity recently informed us they’ve had to push it back to December 2018 as they hadn’t been able to raise the required £250,000.

“So the families on the trip have all decided to appeal to our local communities to help get us get on that plane to Florida.

"It’s heart-breaking to see my daughter struggle with her condition.

“She’s become increasingly isolated as I don’t drive and Aimee-Leigh won’t go on public transport as she thinks that other passengers will stare at her. The holiday would make a massive difference to her as she’s become so unhappy.”

Trudi Beswick, chief executive from Caudwell Children, is urging the community to get behind the family’s appeal.

She said: “For many families caring for children with terminal or life-threatening conditions the thought of leaving the protected environment of their own home town, and their medical support, fills them with dread.

“By providing 24 hour professional medical provision and a team of volunteers, for the duration of the trip, Destination Dreams gives families the chance to create happy memories, often for the first time.

“Unfortunately, the level of assistance that the families need doesn’t come cheap.

"That’s why it’s vital that Aimee-Leigh and the family get the fundraising support that they so desperately need and deserve.”

To support Aimee-Leigh visit

People can also donate by texting PEAL59 – then the amount – to 70070.