Shropshire Star

Teamwork leads to Market Drayton school's veggie success

A Market Drayton school's thriving allotment has been rewarded in the town's horticultural competition.

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River Almond and Daisy Bourne tending to the allotment

Longlands Community Primary School's allotment has burst into life this year thanks to the hard work of staff and pupils alike, and it paid off on Wednesday as they were given the Best School trophy at Market Drayton In Bloom 2019.

The school leadership has focused on building up the allotment this year with donated and recycled materials, and pupils from across year groups are encouraged to join in with planting, tending and harvesting.

Town mayor Roger Smith was shown around the allotment earlier in the summer to see the fruits of the children's labour.

The Longlands Allotment Food Shack also lets members of the public take home tomatoes in return for a small donation. Soon there will also be peppers, apples and carrots up for grabs.

George Hounsell from the school, who has been heavily involved in the project, said: "The school allotment based in Market Drayton now has over 20 different varieties of fruit and vegetables growing with some of the products being donated to the local community.

"The allotment has already grown produce such as chillies, peppers, beetroot and potatoes. Within the next year Longlands allotment have a master plan for their school allotment, they want to be introducing chickens, a school wildlife pond, fruit trees and wildlife cameras. You can follow their process on Twitter by following @LonglandsEco."