Headteacher to retire from Market Drayton school this summer
A Market Drayton school headteacher will step down at the end of the summer term.
Tim Hayward of Market Drayton Junior School has announced his retirement and a new structure will be introduced at the trust that runs the school.
The Empower Trust, which also has responsibility for Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School, said in a statement: "Tim has done a great job in leading the school and will be missed.
"Tim has also been instrumental in establishing the vision and values of Empower Trust and we are sorry to lose him from our talented team of Empower Trust headteachers. We wish him an enjoyable final term and a long and happy retirement.
"The infant and junior schools work closely together and collaboration between the two schools is stronger than it has ever been. Tim’s departure has provided a unique opportunity to trial an exciting executive leadership model across the infant and junior schools, ensuring that both schools maintain stability in their leadership.
"From September 2020, Sam Scott will be the executive headteacher over both Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School and Market Drayton Junior School.
"Sally Brayne will be head of school at Market Drayton Junior School and Kerry Simmons will be head of school at Market Drayton Infant and Nursery School.
"The schools will remain as individual schools, each with their own identity and local governing body.
"The revised structure will further strengthen links and continuity between the two schools and provide opportunities to further promote collaboration and consistency and increase opportunities for the professional development of staff and the ability to share expertise. It will further improve the transition from one school to the next and support the continuity of the children’s education across the whole primary phase – from two to 11 years of age.
"The revised leadership structure will further improve the quality of education available to every child across each of the two schools by further developing the sharing of effective practice across the whole primary age range."