Shropshire Star

WATCH: Market Drayton's virtual VE Day event made available to those without internet

Market Drayton marked the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a collaborative video rather than street parties because of the lockdown, and organisers announced the well-received video will soon be available physically for those without internet access.

Town councillors Ian Nellins, left, and Roy Aldcroft with the wreaths they laid at the town war memorial. Councillor Nellins served as a Major in the Royal Irish Regiment

Mick Hughes, community support officer for the Market Drayton branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), worked with town councillor Mike Smith and town crier Geoff Russell alongside many others to produce a video combining footage of speeches and services with a live stream of wreaths being laid at the town war memorial.

Mr Smith filmed much of the footage and it was edited by Jeremy Blandford of the company EMCd.

Mayor Roger Smith opened the video with a speech thanking those involved in making it and speaking about the "sadness and mourning" caused by coronavirus around the world.

Reverends and prominent townspeople spoke about the anniversary of peace in Europe, some from home while self-isolating and some outside their churches.

Laurence Payne read the Leo Marks poem 'The Life That I Have' and veteran Philip Miles read 'The Ode of Remembrance'.

The video culminated with live footage of two wreaths being laid – one from Market Drayton Town Council and one from the RBL – and a flyover by an Avro Anson.

The video was streamed live on Facebook and made available afterwards on YouTube, where it has been viewed more than 1,000 times.

Watch the video here:

Mr Hughes said he was delighted with the video's popularity.

"It was a hell of a day and it was such a success.

"My son saw it in Africa, someone saw it in the States, someone saw it in Australia.

"People said it made them cry, it was quite moving. I have had calls from lads I've served with.

"For the veterans and other people who don't have the internet, there is going to be a physical video made of the occasion.

"I couldn't have done it without Mike Smith and Jeremy Blandford. We are very fortunate to have people like that volunteering their time."

Further details on the physical format of the video will be announced in future.