Shropshire Star

100 homes planned for outskirts of Market Drayton

A new development of 100 houses could be built on the outskirts of a town under plans lodged with Shropshire Council.

Last updated
Indicative plans show how the development could take shape.

Proposals have been drawn up by Gladman Developments for a site to the north of Market Drayton, at Longford Turning.

The site lies outside the town’s current development boundary but is allocated for housing in Shropshire Council’s new draft local plan, which is expected to be adopted next year.

Gladman says even though the site is currently classed as ‘open countryside’, the fact Market Drayton is unlikely to meet its projected housing needs within its own boundary justifies the release of surrounding land.

The development will be accessed via a new junction off Longford Turning.

The scheme will include public open space, a children’s play area, pedestrian and cycle paths and 10 affordable homes.

A planning statement submitted in support of the application says: “The site is suitable for residential development in terms of location, characteristics and it is not of high environmental value and is in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework by constituting sustainable development.

“The site can assist Shropshire Council in boosting housing supply to meet its ambitious growth targets and maintain its housing land supply position.

“The provision of affordable housing, without subsidy, is a significant benefit in circumstances where the council is not delivering sufficient affordable homes to meet pressing needs.

“The proposal will deliver biodiversity net gains.

“The proposal will deliver green infrastructure and open space, which will be available to both residents of the site and the surrounding community.

“The proposal will deliver important economic benefits.”

The statement goes on to say that the scheme will help to support the relocation of the Greenfields sports facilities to a new location to the north of the site by delivering “accessibility improvements” which “are unlikely to be deliverable without the release of the site as proposed”.

It adds: “This proposal would be deliverable in the short term and increase the supply and choice of housing at one of Shropshire’s principal settlements.

“It would contribute towards economic growth and have wider social benefits to the local community, meeting a range of housing requirements, including affordable housing.

“The principles outlined within the design and access statement would secure a high quality, beautiful, well designed scheme as required by local and national policy.

“The supporting material, assessments and reports demonstrate that there are no technical or environmental constraints that would preclude the development of this site, subject to planning conditions and/or obligations.

“As with any greenfield site, the development will introduce changes to the area and some urbanising effects.

“Care has been taken to ensure that the perceived impact on Market Drayton is minimised and acceptable, through careful design and siting, the provision of extensive open space and green infrastructure.”

The application will be decided in due course by Shropshire Council. If outline permission is granted, a further application will need to be submitted setting out the layout of the development, landscaping and design of the properties.