Festival of Light launches Market Drayton's Christmas celebrations
Market Drayton's Festival of Light celebrations welcomed in the festive season with a bang.

The big day was held in the town on Saturday, November 20 with street entertainers, food and gift stalls, and even an appearance from Santa.
The town's streets were filled with festive cheer as people gathered throughout the day to await the Christmas lights switch on in the evening.
Market Drayton's mayor, Roy Aldcroft, said the event was "absolutely brilliant".

"It was a great turnout, we had good weather, and even the reindeer behaved himself," Councillor Aldcroft said. "Santa also arrived without any problems.
"It really was an absolutely wonderful day. There was lots of support, not only from members of the public, but stall holders and all the people doing entertainment on the day.
"Everything seemed to come together really well which is great. We have to say a big thank you to our organising team at the town council and the external staff who were busy all day setting up and helping out.
"Right down to little Ella White who did the countdown for us. She was quite thrilled I think to switch on the lights.

"There was very much a Christmassy feel. If we had a few flakes of snow falling, people would not have minded I don't think."
Mr Aldcroft said he had never seen the town so busy and it was great to see people out and about enjoying themselves, after nearly two years without proper Christmas celebrations.
"I have been involved in the council for over 20 years and I don't think I have ever seen the High Street so busy and full of people," he added.
"In fact, I spoke to the town clerk after the event and we were saying that we will next extra speakers because people were so far down the street we did not expect it.

"Entertainment was amazing – from the fire eaters to the clowns and choirs, everything seemed to come together and I don't think there was anybody there who did not find something they could enjoy.
"We have been through dark times and this was the first opportunity to spread the light as it were, and for the town to bring everybody together for a celebration event.
"Which we haven't been able to do for a couple of years so it was, even in that respect, quite an eye-opener to see how keen people were to enjoy themselves."