Cars destroyed by fire after multi-vehicle crash at Tern Hill
Fire crews from Hodnet and Market Drayton were scrambled to attend a crash which led to two cars being engulfed in flames.

At around 6.40pm, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service responded to reports of a road traffic accident on the A41 at Tern Hill.
Both police and fire crews were in attendance, responding to reports of the accident and one vehicle on fire. However as the Market Drayton fire crew arrived, the second crew from Hodnet had to be scrambled as a second car was also fully ablaze.
Market Drayton fire said: "On receipt of this information the officer in charge transmitted an assistance message of “Make pumps two for water and staffing” whilst still on route to the incident.
"This resulted in fire control mobilising the rescue pump from Hodnet."
On arrival at the scene the crew were confronted with a three-car road traffic collision, with two saloon cars fully involved in fire. The third car, a hybrid engine, was nearby but not alight.

Four fighters wearing breathing apparatus dealt with extinguishing the fires, using two high pressure hose reel jets.
On arrival of the rescue pump from Hodnet, they were tasked with providing additional water supplies to the Market Drayton appliance to assist in firefighting.
Market Drayton fire added: "Thankfully through rapid and assertive firefighting the crews were able to prevent the fire spreading to the hybrid vehicle.
"We are pleased to report that all the occupants of the vehicles involved had managed to get out, and had received no serious injuries, but were shocked.
"An ambulance and incident officer from West Midlands Ambulance Service attended the scene and gave precautionary check ups to those involved."
The A41 was closed for several hours in both directions, between the Tern Hill roundabout and the Sandford bends, by officers from West Mercia Police whilst firefighters worked to extinguish the fires, to allow for recovery work and to allow for the damaged road surface to be assessed and repaired by the Highways department.