Fears 200-home housing scheme could 'cripple' Market Drayton
Concerns have been raised over the development of 209 new homes which could "cripple" the infrastructure of a Shropshire town.
It comes as an application to build new houses at Greenfields Lane, in Market Drayton, was approved by Shropshire Council at the end of last year.
Work on the housing development has now started, prompting a campaigner to raise concerns over what it could mean for the market town.
Market Drayton resident Elliot Powell, who previously fought against the development of 97 homes on Damson Wood Walk and recently 100 homes at the site off Longford Turning.
He expressed his worry about the 209 homes being built, saying: "I don't think they've taken into consideration the needs of the community.
"I'm not against new homes. We do need ones to support the next generation, but we can't just build homes without looking at the bigger picture."
Mr Powell claimed that the town's infrastructure as "absolutely shambolic", with residents unable to get an appointment to see their GP.
"It's crippling," he added, warning that Market Drayton could not cope with more people with many children having to be educated elsewhere because of "pressures on education system".
Referring to car parking spaces and last year's closure of the community ambulance station, Mr Powell said that he was "all for getting trade back", but that there was a need to "start with the small stuff and build up".
Greenfields, he said, was an open playing field that was used by the community for football, rugby and dog walking, before plans were put in place for a housing development.
Roy Aldcroft, Mayor of Market Drayton, said: "The 209 homes at Greenfields have been planned for years and are covered by the old local plan.
"I am really pleased that the town is growing and we are offering an environment people wish to come to.
"Working with planning officers at Shropshire Council, the number of school places are adjusted, some schools have already had extensions added.
"The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is regularly consulted regarding GP facilities for this growing town.
"The town has three members who serve on the Shropshire Council, two of which are also on the town council, so there are strong links between Shropshire county and the town.
"The town holds regular planning meetings at which the public are welcome, these give the town council a forum to comment on applications and make recommendations to Shropshire Council regarding planning applications.
"So, yes, we need to keep an eye on development and ensure that the benefits of domestic and industrial growth is closely monitored."
In response to the concerns, Shropshire Council have said that the infrastructure needs of the town were "fully considered" when a proposal was first put in place.
A spokesman said: “The proposal is on land allocated for development in the adopted SAMDev Plan in 2015 to meet the housing needs of Market Drayton to 2026.
"At that stage infrastructure needs were fully considered, and relevant infrastructure providers were involved in this process. Ultimately the site was found to be ‘sound’ and was included in the adopted Plan.
“The site has subsequently been subject to an outline planning approval in 2018 (14/03782/OUT), and a Reserved Matters approval in 2021 (21/01142/REM), which was approved in September 2021 for 209 new dwellings.
“As part of these proposals, infrastructure providers have had the opportunity to input into the decision.
"The delivery of the site will include financial developer contributions through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) towards any identified local needs resulting from the development.
"The council supports the delivery of this site as an important contribution to meeting the housing needs of Market Drayton.”