Shropshire Star

'Letters to Heaven' postbox which allows children to send letters to lost loved ones installed in Market Drayton

A 'Letters to Heaven' postbox which allows children and families to send letters to lost loved ones has been installed in Market Drayton.

Letters to Heaven post-box opening at Market Drayton Cemetery, organised by Victoria Vespa (In Picture: Victoria Vespa with one of her children, Jude Vespa, 2).

Its official opening took place on Saturday, with a performance from 'A Choired Taste', as well as a reading by JAYS Bereavement Group and parents.

Letters to Heaven post-box opening at Market Drayton Cemetery.
The postbox.

The project, led by Victoria Vespa of Luna's Legacy, was set up for the benefit of the community so that bereaved children and adults could write down their feelings and thoughts and send 'letters to heaven' for lost loved ones.

Victoria said: "We heard about a Letters to Heaven postbox and they had been on social media, so we thought it would be really nice for our community and that's what we have done."

The postbox is located next to the baby memorial area and cemetery, positioned between two trees, and is open for everybody to use.

Donations were raised from the community through a sponsored walk and swim (90 miles in 90 days) and one family friend who did a bicycle ride from Wembley Stadium to the Princess Royal Hospital.

Letters to Heaven post-box opening at Market Drayton Cemetery, organised by Victoria Vespa (In Picture: Victoria Vespa with one of her children, Jude Vespa 2).

Victoria and her husband Allen lost their daughter Luna-Seren, who was born sleeping on January 4, 2020 at the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.

The Luna Legacy fund was set up in her honour and has supported local bereaved parents through a number of community projects, including the baby memorial garden and the Flag of Hope project.

Since 2020, Luna's Legacy has been fundraising for the bereavement suite at Princess Royal Hospital with more than £6,000 raised.

Victoria said that while she was well looked after by the team when she was there, the room itself felt clinical to her and so she wanted to give something back.

Letters to Heaven post-box opening at Market Drayton Cemetery, organised by Victoria Vespa (In Picture: A Choired Taste).

Now the bereavement suite has had LED lights installed, as well as a bed which can transform into a hospital bed when required, to make mothers feel more comfortable.

When asked about the support she had received from the local community, Victoria said: "They have just been amazing and if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have achieved half of what we have.

"We are so grateful and anyone who feels that we have helped them in any way, that's what we do it for. We are not doing it for big things but for every single parent out there to let them know they're not on their own."