Shropshire Star

Market Drayton man honoured to receive MBE at Buckingham Palace nearly 20 years after his father did

A Shropshire delivery driver has picked up an MBE from Buckingham Palace in recognition of decades of dedicated service to enriching the lives of young people across the West Midlands.


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Ian Sharp, from Market Drayton, received his award from Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, after being named in the New Year Honours list following 45 years of volunteering with the Boys’ Brigade.

The 63-year-old, who had been Captain of the 6th Wolverhampton Boys’ Brigade Company for several years, was recognised for services to young people in the city.

He continues to make a difference to the lives of those across the region in his voluntary role as a Duke of Edinburgh Award supervisor and assessor within the Boys’ Brigade organisation.

In honour of his tireless voluntary work, Mr Sharp was invited to attend Buckingham Palace on April 19, where he was joined by his wife Annette, and his two sons, Daniel and Craig.

Mr Sharp and his guests were welcomed to the Palace’s White Drawing Room during the morning of the investiture, before he made his way into the Throne Room where he was met by Princess Anne to receive his award.

Mr Sharp said: “I feel incredibly honoured to have received this award, and it was a proud day for me and my family.

“I was extremely nervous throughout the day and being one of the last in the morning to receive the MBE, my nerves ramped up with each person who collected theirs before me, but the Princess Royal immediately put me at ease.

“We had a lovely chat about my voluntary work with the Boys’ Brigade and the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and I was surprised by all the things she knew about me and what I do.”

Attending Buckingham Palace to receive his award was made even more special for Mr Sharp due to it being almost 20 years since he attended an investiture where his late father Donald was awarded an MBE by Queen Elizabeth II – also for services to young people in Wolverhampton.

“It was unbelievable to receive the same award as my father,” Mr Sharp said. “When I first found out I’d been nominated for the award I was in tears because I knew how much receiving his MBE meant to my dad.

“I know how proud both he and my mother Josie would be of me following in dad’s footsteps by getting this award. It was an incredible day, and I was so glad I was able to share it with my wife, my children and grandchildren.”

Currently working as a logistics supervisor at Gill’s Puddings in Market Drayton, Mr Sharp has given thousands of hours of his time to make a difference to the lives of young people in the region.

One of the former members of the 6th Wolverhampton Company paid tribute to Mr Sharp on Facebook, writing: “There is no better man in this world that deserves this honour more than Ian. You are a fantastic bloke and an honour to your family and friends.

"You shaped so many young lives with your kindness, understanding and loyalty and I will always remember what you did for me and so many others. The word ‘legend’ is just simply not good enough to describe you.”

Mr Sharp added: “I’ve received so many lovely messages during the last few months from many of the people I have worked with during the last 45 years in the Boys’ Brigade and with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and I would like to thank them all for their kind words.

“It’s a massive honour to receive an MBE, but I don’t give up my own time for awards, I do it because I love making a difference to young lives, and I hope I can help shape the future for many more young people for years to come.”