Shropshire Star

Market Drayton green-team launch 'Vote for the Climate' campaign

A stall urging people to 'vote for the climate' popped up in Market Drayton's town centre this week.

The 'Vote for the Climate' campaign launched this week

Market Drayton Climate Action is a non-party-political community group which is encouraging voters to ask all political candidates what they and their party will do to tackle the ever growing threat of climate change.

Nancy Stewart, who has designed the stall, said: “We’re inviting people to pin up the name of the youngest person in their extended family, with the age that person will be in 2050 – and to imagine the world they will grow up into if the politicians we elect right now don’t take urgent action to tackle climate change. We’re saying these young people have no vote but we can vote to help protect their future.”

Visitors to the stall, which will be on Cheshire Street on market day and under the Buttercross again on Saturday, June 29, are also invited to write a postcard to any or all candidates for election.

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