Shropshire Star

No tax, no car – police tow two vehicles from car park

Two cars were towed by cops who spied them without tax, MOT, or insurance.


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To add insult to injury officers described the vehicles as not being in a roadworthy condition.

The cars were discovered in Prees Car Park, according to PCSO Graeme Baines, who is part of the Whitchurch Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Posting an update on the move, he said: "Two vehicles have been seized, on behalf of DVLA, from Prees car park today by officers from Whitchurch SNT for not being taxed.

Both cars were taken off on a trailer.

"Car parks are public areas so if your vehicle has no tax then you are risking having it removed."

Shropshire Police added: "The vehicles in question had no insurance, tax or MOT and were of an unroadworthy condition.

Both cars were taken off on a trailer.

"Road safety is one of the priorities highlighted to us by Prees Parish Council and we will continue to address this as part of the Local Policing Community Charter."

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