Calls to extend 20mph limit across more Wem roads

Calls have been made for more 20mph speed limit zones in a market town.

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Wem wants action on traffic speed

Residents have asked Wem Town Council to consider extending a 20mph zone in the town.

There is currently a 20mph zone for the entire length of Drawwell Lane, Wellgate and Leek Street.

It was also extended in Mill Street in 2015 from its junction with High Street to near its junction with Eckford Park.

Roger Drummond emailed the town council to say: "With the present and anticipated growth of Wem I believe there is a case for expanding the 20mph scheme to cover more of the central area to improve road safety particularly for venerable pedestrians, old and young, of which Wem has a high proportion, and also improving driver behaviour by encouraging calmer driving.

"I also anticipate the amendments to car parking charges proposed by Shropshire Council will increase ad-hoc on street-parking particularly over short periods which I suggest will increase congestion and increased risk for those vulnerable pedestrians."

At a meeting of the town council, Pauline Dee, Shropshire councillor for Wem, said: "When the 20mph zone was introduced in the town previously we wanted it further out but was told by a road safety advisor that this would not be possible.

"It is difficult to police but something to look into."

Chris Mellings, Shropshire councillor for Wem, said the infrastructure of Wem’s roads also needs to be looked at.

He said: "The roads need to be in a better condition.

"There are currently issues where residents are being kept awake at night due to the vibrations coming from traffic."

Councillor Edwards Towers, mayor of Wem, said several members of the town council were due to attend a 20mph conference at the weekend.

The Shropshire-wide conference, held at Shrewsbury’s Theatre Severn, was on the benefits of a 'default' 20mph limit for all residential roads in the county.

It was being held as part of a national 20’s Plenty For Us campaign, which has branches in Church Stretton, Ludlow, Oswestry, Shifnal and Shrewsbury.

One of the organisers, Professor John Whitelegg from Church Stretton, said the conference provided all town councils with a strong evidence base for a discussion around the merits of 20mph speed limits.

Previously West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia John Campion has said he does not support the plan.

He has said that drivers are more likely to respond to changes to the road layout than a blanket 20mph restriction, and a “one size fits all” approach would require extra effort to enforce.