Shropshire Star

More than an incy wincy spot of good news as rare spider turns up in Shropshire

A rare jumping spider which hasn't been seen for three decades has been rediscovered living in north Shropshire.

A rare jumping spider has been found near Whitchurch. Photo: Stephen Barlow.

After a lapse of 30 years, a rare bog-dwelling spider, Sitticus floricola, has been spotted at Fenn's, Whixhall and Bettisfield Mosses National Nature Reserve.

Experts say the reason they have been able to thrive is because the natural water table of the bog habitat they rely upon is being managed and maintained as part of the BogLIFE project.

The spiders, which are only about 4mm in length, were found in the same area as a nationally notable spider, Sitticus caricis.

The exciting discovery was made by spider expert and editor of the British Arachnological Society newsletter, Richard Gallon, as part of a survey for the Tanyptera Trust.

He said: "Amazing to think how these species have responded to the improved habitat management.

"Presumably they were able to cling on in tiny refuges of habitat during the difficult period when land was being drained for commercial peat cutting."


Mr Gallon also confirmed that the Marches Mosses is the only known location for both species in Britain.

In another discovery he found a small money spider, Carotia limnae, on the Welsh side of the Mosses.

Dr Joan Daniels, Marches Mosses BogLIFE project officer, said: "Jumping spiders are particularly attractive, hunting actively by day and sealing themselves in silken cells at night to sleep.

"This is in contrast to most spiders, which are more active at night.

"This is a fantastic find, of nationally important spiders which can only live on bogs. It’s one of the many reasons to save and restore this, Britain’s third largest raised bog.

"It is wonderful to know that all of that restoration work here is paying off and populations of these gorgeous little stripy jumping spiders are now increasing."