Shropshire Star

Tattoo parlour plans approved

A former convenience store and office will be turned into a tattoo parlour after plans were given the green light.


Shropshire Council has given permission for the development at 44-46 High Street, Wem, despite concerns it could have had an impact on a Grade II-listed building.

The plans, by Sherston Property Ltd, were given the green light by planning officers.

Planning case officer Melanie Williams said in her report that the Grade II-listed consent related to a wall between numbers 44 and 46.

Wem Town Council objected to the plan over the potential removal of the wall.

In her report granting permission, Ms Williams said: “The development site, numbers 44 and 46 are both Grade II-listed of early 19th century origins.

“The ground floor at 44 & 46 was most recently used as an office and convenience store. The locality boasts much local design character and falls within the Wem Conservation Area.

“The proposal is judged to be in scale and character with the original building and its setting.

“The proposal would not result in undue harm caused to either the fabric of the listed building nor the amenities of neighbouring occupiers subject to conditions being imposed.

“The alterations proposed to allow the conversion of this building are considered appropriate and would also lead to an enhancement of the site in terms of its visual appearance.

“It is therefore considered that the proposal accords with Shropshire Core Strategy policies.

“It is also recognised that the building was vacant and its re-use for a tattooist has reintroduced an active frontage to this vacant unit.”

In its objection, Wem Town Council said: “The town council resolved to object to the application as the council consider that the wall that previously divided the two properties was a brick wall with a doorway not a stud wall as stated in the plans.

“In addition to this, requests by previous owners of the buildings to remove the dividing wall at this site have been refused in the past.”