Shropshire Star

Incredible edibles project in Wem needs help

Gardeners in Wem are on the look-out for volunteers to help with their Incredible Edibles project.

Last updated

The national project to strengthen communities through growing local food was taken up in the town five years ago with a public gardening space created in Jubilee Square.

With space to grow an abundance of crops from potatoes, beans and tomatoes to strawberries and raspberries Becca Lewis, one its the founding members, is calling everyone in Wem to dig their hands in deep and get involved with this community effort.

Their most recent change to the site came with the addition of a greenhouse constructed solely from recycled plastic bottles.

Other volunteers include Sonya Richards, Margaret Pyle and Andy Tench but they say they really need help from others to expand the projet.

"With the group constantly on the search for a new pair of hands to help out, there's plenty of things to do no matter what range of ability you have," Becca said.

If you are interested, get in touch through their Facebook page or contact