Harvest market coming to Wem
Wem Combine Harvesters will hold a harvest market on Saturday with organisers re-assuring vistors that anti-Covid19 measures will be put in place.

The market will be open from 9am to 1pm and take place in Wem Town Hall, Wem Youth Club and on Wem Jubilee Square.
Combine Harvesters. is the name of an umbrella group of Wem Civic Society, Wem & District Garden Club, and Incredible Edible in the town.
The markets are run to fund events and projects in and around Wem with the main beneficiary of this market Wem Youth Club.
Spokesman, Shelagh Richardson, said: "The group wondered whether it would be able to hold this market but given that other Wem markets are operating, the infection rate is low in Shropshire, and people in this area are behaving very responsibly, there was no reason not to go ahead. The number of traders has had to be reduced to allow adequate spacing and other anti-Covid-19 measures have been put in place."
There will be stalls from local producers and a range of plants for sale. Members of Incredible Edible will be on the allotment in Jubilee Square to give advice.
Craft stalls will be held in the town hall and youth club and there will be information stalls from Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Wem Climate Forum, and the Woodland Trust on Jubilee Square.