Huge blaze on Wem business park cuts power to town

A fire has ripped through a building on Wem Industrial Estate overnight, closing roads and cutting power to the town.

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The blaze on Wem Business Park. photo: Wem Fire Station

The blaze on the town's business park began just after midnight with flames leaping from the roof.

More than 30 firefighters from across the county have been tackling the fire, cordoning off the business park and urging people to stay in their homes and close their windows.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service remained on scene this morning but said it had scaled back its operation.

No-one was hurt and the cause of the blaze is not yet known.

The blaze on Wem Business Park. photo: Wem Fire Station

Shropshire Council said that half the town was without electricity this morning as Scottish Power isolated the supply to reconnect those originally cut off by the blaze.

Emergency services received several 999 calls from 12.38am.

Six fire crews, including the Aerial Ladder Platform were mobilised from Prees, Shrewsbury, Tweedale, Wem and Whitchurch. Operations and Safety officers were in attendance.

A spokesman for the fire service said a building, measuring 30 metres by 50 metres, was destroyed.

The blaze on Wem Business Park. photo: Wem Fire Station

When crews arrived smoke and flames were pouring from the roof spaces.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus tackled the blaze and thermal imaging cameras were used to look for hot spots in the fire.

The aerial ladder platform was used to fight the fire from above.

Residents went on social media to say they could smell the fire and see flames.

The blaze on Wem Business Park. photo: Wem Fire Station

They were warned to stay away.

The fire service said on Twitter: "Crews are working extremely hard in tough conditions. There are road closures currently in place on New Street. Advice to local properties is to keep doors and windows closed due to the smoke plume."

People working in the New Street area had to park in other parts of the town and walk to their place of employment.

Residents were also warned that their water supplies could be affected.

A spokesman for Severn trent Water is a message to householders and businesses said: "We're aware that the Fire Service are currently in your area and this may be causing your water to be at a lower than usual pressure, or even appearing slightly discoloured. This is nothing to worry about and once the Fire Service have finished, your water will gradually clear and go back to normal. This can take up to 24 hours."