Shropshire Star

Wem and District U3A celebrates a decade in style

Wem and District U3A celebrated their 10th anniversary with a party this week.


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Founding and current members of the organisation met for an afternoon of celebrations at Wem Cricket Club on Tuesday with a finger buffet, music and fun.

Approximately 120 people attended the party celebrating the group's decade including the the town's mayor. Wem Town Crier Martin Wood was due to be the guest of honour at the celebratory event, but couldn't attend due to illness, so the group had a cardboard cut out made so his presence was still felt.

Martin Wood was going to be guest of honour but he's currently unwell

The 'lively and active' group brings together people who are no longer in full-time employment to share and learn new skills.

Wem and District U3A has more than 25 groups within the organisation with activities for people to get involved in. Groups include, arts and literature, crafts, gardening, discussion/current affairs, film group, pub lunch, photography, singing, and ukulele playing. Additionally, there are also sporty groups that include walking, paddle boarding, walking tennis, and cycling.

Group sizes vary from a handful of people to large numbers, and the U3A also holds monthly general meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at Wem Town Hall where there are speakers and updates about the U3A.

Wem Mayor David Parry with founding member Jean Norton, 90, and Chair of the group Enid Smith cutting the cake

Founding member Hazel said: "When I first told someone we were going to start a group they said it'll never work in Wem."

But, the group has excelled and soared in popularity over the years. Member Joyce Parr has been involved for seven years, and is so glad she joined.

Asked how the celebrations went, Joyce said: "It was good, and the weather was gorgeous.

"It was hard work for the committee who did it all, but it was worthwhile.

"It's been a life saver for me (U3A) and a lot of other people. It's such a friendly group and when you're on your own and don't know anybody it's really good."

Celebration event to mark a Decade of U3A for Wem & District

Chair of Wem and District U3A added: "It's all about people who are not in full-time work anymore maybe wanting to keep up with learning different things, having a bit of fun, and laughing. That's what we're all about."

Further information on the group can be found here:

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