Shropshire Star

£28,000 playground extension officially opened in Whitchurch - with pictures

A new £28,000 playground extension has been officially opened in Whitchurch. The facility at Jubilee Park features a pirate ship, climbing unit and basket swing.

Eve Gregory, Matthew Gregory and Harry Nicholls make the most of the new equipment

On Saturday, it was given the seal of approval by team members of Whitchurch Alport Junior Football Club during its official opening, which was also attended by the town mayor, Councillor Tony Neville, and Councillor Terry O’Neill, chair of the parks committee.

Councillor Neville said: “The new extension to the Jubilee Park play area is fantastic.

“The equipment is a great addition and Whitchurch Town Council thank everyone for taking part in the consultation.

“The council hope that families will get great pleasure in playing on the new equipment, we have done what the residents asked for and are extremely happy with the result.”

The facility was designed and manufactured by outdoor play experts, Creative Play, as part of a significant investment from Whitchurch Town Council.

Creative Play’s sales director, David Esser, said: "The playground extension includes a basket swing which is great for promoting inclusivity as it is suitable for children with limited mobility.

“There’s also a climbing unit which is very different from the equipment that is already there in the existing playground.

“Because the area is near the old canal site, people were really keen that some sort of boat was involved so we’ve built a pirate ship with a slide, climbing nets and tunnels.

“I visited the playground a short while later and it was nice to see the area swarming with children.

“It’s a fantastic play area which, because it’s made from natural timber materials, is in-keeping with the lovely setting.”

Members of Whitchurch Alport Junior Football Club were very enthusiastic about the new play area.

Club chairman, Rob Foster, said: "The playground extension is a brilliant addition to the park.

"It's new and fresh and gives the kids something the park has been lacking for quite some time.

"I remember when the first play area was built and my children used to love it then but this is even better."