Shropshire Star

Plans to replace Whitchurch pool with new £7.5m centre backed by Shropshire Council’s cabinet

A multi-million pound project to demolish a run-down swimming pool and replace it with a state of the art leisure centre has been backed by senior councillors.

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Whitchurch Swimming Centre. Photo: Google

Shropshire Council’s cabinet has given the go-ahead for a new facility to be built in Whitchurch after the current pool building was condemned by surveyors.

Six options were put before cabinet at a meeting on Wednesday and members agreed with a recommendation from officers to progress to a full feasibility study and consultation into ‘option six’ – a new centre costing around £7.56 million.

The facility would include a six-lane 25-metre pool with a movable floor, a 35-station gym, a dance studio and a 20-cover café.

It could also provide space to co-locate the town’s library.

Councillor Cecilia Motley, portfolio holder for communities and place, said the need for the 50-year-old building to be replaced had become apparent since it closed at the start of the first coronavirus lockdown in March 2020.

While other leisure facilities have been able to reopen, the Whitchurch pool has remained shut due to the building not being able to accommodate social distancing measures.

During this time a serious leak was discovered, and extensive surveys have concluded that the foundations are weak and the building is subsiding.

Councillor Motley told cabinet: “This gives us an opportunity to look at doing things differently for Whitchurch.”

She said a new facility would be a “brilliant focal point for Whitchurch”, encourage greater participation, and be cheaper to run.

Councillor Motley added: “Although it’s going to involve a significant capital outlay, it will secure the long-term future of the facility as well as hugely enhancing the offer for the people of Whitchurch.

“Whitchurch deserves better than a 50-year-old failing facility.”

The town’s unitary councillors addressed cabinet to plead the case for a new pool, but questioned why the library was also being included.

Councillor Tom Biggins said: “All three local members very much welcome this report.

“The message really is very clear today on behalf of the people of Whitchurch – please may we have a new swimming pool as soon as possible?

“I think it’s fair to say that none of us as local members are aware of anybody locally who in any way would object to the building of a new swimming pool.”

Councillor Gerald Dakin said: “I’m very pleased to see we have listened to Whitchurch and got this show on the road.

“It’s essential we have a swimming pool as quickly as possible.

“I think you will find during the consultation that the library is not something we need to shift. But we do need something for the youth.”

Councillor Peggy Mullock said consideration should be given to whether facilities for young people could be included in the development, following the closure of the town’s youth centre.

She said this would be a better approach than moving the town’s library, which the council has recently spent money on refurbishing.

Councillor Motley responded: “I appreciate that the youth service building has closed. I do think that this facility, because of its flexibility, will offer a lot of new opportunities for young people.”

She added that the work to the library was carried out prior to the revelation that the pool was unable to reopen.

Councillor Motley said: “The reason we are thinking about incorporating the library is we feel it will enhance the offer and it may well draw in a cohort of people who might not consider taking that sort of physical activity, but if they have got it all there in front of them it may tempt them. That can only be a good thing for the health of Whitchurch.”

Cabinet unanimously agreed with the report’s recommendations. A feasibility study and consultation will now be carried out, and a further report will go before cabinet next March for the final seal of approval to start the work.

Following the meeting, Councillor Motley said: “This is really fantastic news for Whitchurch and I am pleased cabinet decided to back the option to build a new centre – it will hopefully be a wonderful facility for the town and very much a focal point.

“This will be hugely beneficial and will encourage increased participation in physical activity and deliver increased health benefits to more people.

“Everyone has been very disappointed that the current centre has been unable to reopen, but this is a situation that is not going to change, even with the relaxation of social distancing measures.

“The current pool is not in good condition, but a new facility could be a massive benefit to all.”