Shropshire Star

Action call on A5 Mile End roundabout at Oswestry

An unkempt traffic island is to be tidied up after a volunteer tourism group threatened to take on the task themselves and bill Highways England for the work.

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The Mile End traffic island

Contractors for the road agency are not only to work on the island but will meet with the group to see how the volunteers can help keep it looking good in the future.

The group says the dishevelled Mile End Roundabout just outside Oswestry, with long grass, thistles and litter is hampering tourism, the economy and the reputation of the town.

It wrote to Highways England last week, complaining about not only Mile End but other roundabouts along the A5/A483 Oswestry bypass.

One of the members, Clive Knowles, said the town was economically dependent on attracting visitors into the centre.

The letter to Highways England said: "We are giving you warning that community action will be taken should you fail to maintain this island.

"An A-road certified contractor will be appointed, funded initially by the volunteers themselves and thereafter reclaimed from you.

"You might sense a level of frustration and despair - this is the ninth year we can recollect that you have failed to ensure these gateways into Oswestry are kept presentable."

It urged action before the arrival of judges in the Britain in Bloom competition in July.

Now the group has been contacted by Kier, the contractors for Highways England.

Mr Knowles said: "We have been provided with a commitment that work will take place on the island before the judges are due.

"After that both Highways England and Kier will attend a community meeting with Oswestry Tourism Volunteer Group to discuss all the traffic islands and gateways into Oswestry.

"We hope to create a working group, to work in collaboration with Kier to ensure the gateways are maintained regularly, that the tourism group can get involved in planting on the islands and that we can improve the welcome to Oswestry considerably.

"We hope that the Oswestry traffic islands will be given the same priority as those around Shrewsbury."

Jim Wildman a spokesman for Highways England said: "We are speaking to the group about this issue to see if there’s anything that can be done.

"We always maintain roundabouts to make sure there are no visibility issues and will be at Mile End roundabout to do this in the next few weeks."