Shropshire Star

Festive free parking

Free parking is being introduced to encourage more people to visit a market town for their Christmas shopping.

Last updated
Oswestry town council's headquarter, the Guildhall

Shoppers will be able to park for free in Oswestry's main town centre car parks every afternoon from December 11 to 23. Central Car Park has free parking on Sundays.

The town council, which runs Central Car Park, and those on Smithfield Street and the Horsemarket, made the decision after a request from the chamber of commerce.

Councillors heard that similar free parking in recent years had helped trade.

In a letter to the markets and car parks committee on Wednesday, chamber chairman, Mark Derham, wrote: "The previous seasonal generosity of the town council has been warmly received by the town centre traders. It certainly helps to encourage increased footfall within the town over this crucial trading period."

Councillors were told that applying the charges during that period would bring in about £8,000.

Chairman of the council committee, Paul Milner, welcomed the decision.

"Hopefully this will encourage people into Oswestry’s town centre which in turn will help support local businesses," he said.