Shropshire Star

Oswestry poised for phenomenal growth

Oswestry is in line for phenomenal levels of growth in housing and employment in the next few years, a meeting of business bosses has heard.


The meeting of the town's chamber of commerce was told the huge economic growth signalled a "new chapter" for the town.

Members said it was important existing businesses were kept up to date with the new developments so they could capitalise on opportunities and a call was made at the meeting for local builders and suppliers to be used in the massive building projects.

Plans for 600 new homes and a business park in the town are nearer to reality after the government announced a £9.3 million grant to improve traffic islands on the Oswestry bypass to cater for the extra vehicles.

A chamber meeting, held at the Wynnstay Hotel, discussed how the chamber could play a role in driving forward growth and helping businesses in the town.

Chamber chairman Mark Derham said the group had about 40 members but only some played an active part in the group.

The meeting was told there are about 750 businesses in the town and more had to be done to encourage all firms, especially the larger employers, to get involved in the chamber meetings.

Chamber member John Waine said it was important the organisation had a purpose.

He said plans for an Innovation Park on the edge of the town to create hundreds of jobs and proposals for the building of hundreds of new homes created a new "narrative" for Oswestry.

He said: "There's a new chapter happening for Oswestry.

"Oswestry is going to grow phenomenally."

Chamber member Ian Follington said the chamber could act as an "honest broker" of information about the new developments.

He suggested the chamber could make a call for local firms to be used in the building projects.

The meeting also discussed the future role of the chamber itself.

Members heard while some of the monthly meetings proved popular, others were poorly attended.

Chamber member Heather Noble said: "It is sometimes like flogging a dead horse. You have to create a party that people want to come to."

She said a lot of emphasis among firms recently had been on plans to transform Oswestry into a Business Improvement District.

A referendum will close on that proposal later this month and Mrs Noble said once the BID question is settled the chamber would have a chance to find its own identity again.

Suggestions were put forward on the chamber's future role. Ideas included the group heading up a business mentoring programme and launching an apprenticeship scheme.

Calls were also made for each chamber member to "bring a friend" to the next meeting to introduce them to the work of the group.

The chamber meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6pm at the Wynnstay Hotel in Oswestry.