Shropshire Star

Sandra steps up for charity

When she lines up at the start of the London Marathon on April 22 Sandra Trevor will have a very personal reason to be raising money for her chosen charity.

Sandra Trevor

For in 2003 Sandra was diagnosed with having breast cancer, alone and hundreds of miles away from her home town in Shropshire.

The support she had from Breast Cancer Care, her family and friends, helped her through her treatment and beyond.

Now she wants her marathon to raise funds so others receive the same support.

The 51-year-old runner from Oswestry was living and working in Ipswich when she was diagnosed.

"I went to the hospital by myself and was given the news. It turned my life upside down. The next day I packed as many belongings as I could into my car and drove back to Oswestry to be with my mum.

"It was a terrifying time but with the help of family friends and Breast Cancer Care I came through two years of treatment."

Sandra's cancer had spread to her lymph nodes as she was diagnosed as HER2 positive. She had surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and then had the new to Shropshire Herceptin drug.

"Breast Cancer Care was there for me, not only through my treatment for years later if I ever needed to talk to someone or wanted advice. And I know they still would be today."

"Doing the London marathon gives me a chance to give something back and help fund support for others."

Sandra said her training had seen her run in all weathers, including snow.

"I have had incredible support from the clerk to Oswestry Town Council, David Preston, who has passed on his expertise after completing several London marathons himself. I could not have done the training without his help and advice."

Anyone who would like to support Sandra's fundraising can do so through or drop a cheque payable to Breast Cancer Care into the Guildhall in Oswestry.