Shropshire Star

Julie determined to rescue Christmas dinner for the needy in Oswestry

An Oswestry woman has gathered together a team of volunteers to help save Christmas for the homeless and the needy.

St Oswald's Church in Oswestry

A Christmas day dinner and a day of fun is being hosted and put on by Julie Evans and a team of ten volunteers at St Oswald's Church, for up to 50 guests.

It comes after Chalk charity decided not to put their event on in the town this year.

So rather than have no event, Julie, who volunteers at Chalk, got together with a friend from the church and decided to put the dinner and day of fun on.

She is now opening it up to guests, and has been going around shops and supermarkets appealing for goods for the dinner and for the day.

She said: "I volunteered at Chalk and this year they are taking a break from doing it.

"So I thought instead of not having one we would help to try and put something on. The church where we worship have donated a room and we have now got ten volunteers.

"We have met with someone who can do the cooking, and we are putting plans together.

"We are appealing for donations to help out.

"It is open to people who are homeless, who are disabled, who are needy, who are lonely, for people to come together for some company and some hot foot on Christmas Day."

With the plans now firmly in place, Julie and her volunteers are working hard ahead of the big day.

She is in the process of visiting super markets in the coming days with a letter from the vicar, appealing for them to help.

She has praised the church who have given their support to the event.

She said: "It is nice to be able to do something, and also for the church, they have been really helpful with letting us have the room."