Shropshire Star

Public views on new developments in Oswestry are invited

People in Oswestry have the chance to voice their views about development in the area in future years.


Shropshire Council’s Planning Policy Team has launched a consultation throughout the county looking at the Local Plan process and development proposals will be explained.

A meeting will be held in Oswestry on January 15 at The Marches School in the town, starting at 7pm.

The place plan for Oswestry says there is a need for another 229 homes on top of those already given planning permission between now and 2036.

There will be the opportunity at the meeting to highlight issues, specific concerns and suggest alternatives to the preferred approach set out in the consultation document.

The Preferred Sites Consultation Document outlines a housing policy direction to improve the delivery of local housing needs and sets out the preferred sites to deliver the preferred scale and distribution of housing and employment growth during the period 2016 to 2036.

Shropshire Councillor, Robert Macey, portfolio holder for planning and housing development said: “The presentation at Oswestry will provide an opportunity for residents and other stakeholders to learn more about the proposals.

“This presentation will include details for Oswestry town as a principal centre and the eleven surrounding community hubs.”

The community will have the opportunity to question planning policy officers and to hear the latest details for their area.

People can also comment on the proposals online at