Shropshire Star

Exciting future for Oswestry

Oswestry has an exciting future, a new group set up to map out its future, has said.

Last updated
Oswestry town centre

Future Oswestry, has been tasked to review the priorities within the town's 2020 Neighbourhood Plan and to help deliver activities and projects that will benefit its residents and its businesses.

Made up of representatives from Shropshire Council, Oswestry Town Council and Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID) the Future Oswestry Group held its inception meeting on May 2 at the town’s Guildhall.

The group will help to deliver each organisation’s activities and projects through working more closely together.

Key members of the group include Councillor Steve Charmley and Councillor Robert Macey representing Shropshire Council, Councillor Chris Schofield and Councillor Sandy Best representing Oswestry Town Council and Adele Nightingale and Ian Follington representing the Oswestry Business Improvement District . Support is being provided by officers from Oswestry Town Council and Shropshire Council.

Regular meetings will be held for the group, which will now look to agree its aims and objectives, and develop a programme of activities.

Adele Nightingale, Oswestry BID manager said: “The BID sees this as a great opportunity to work with both Shropshire and Oswestry Town councils, to ensure a joined up and co-ordinated approach for the future of Oswestry. We are very keen to deliver projects in the short and medium-term whilst always considering the longer term plans. Exciting times are ahead for Oswestry."

Councillor Steve Charmley is deputy leader of Shropshire Council and Cabinet member for economic growth. He represents nearby Whittington and is a leading figure in the bid to bring an Innovation park to the edge of the town.

He said: “This new group is great news for Oswestry. Our first meeting was really positive and by meeting on a regular basis we’ll be able to ensure that we all work together for the benefit of Oswestry, and all who live, work or run a business in the town.”

Another member of the group is last year's Mayor of Oswestry, Councillor Sandy Best.

The town councillor said it had been a positive, inaugural meeting.

"The Town Council looks forward to working with Shropshire Council and the BID to develop and deliver projects that will make a tangible difference in the town. It is important that the community are aware of this work and have an opportunity to contribute to it.”