Shropshire Star

Oswestry barber gives up beloved beard for charity

An Oswestry barber began his no-shave November by getting rid of his beloved beard.

Tali's charity beard shave

Tali Larmour-Jones, 26, who runs his own beard care business, Unshaven, had been lovingly tending his own beard all year.

But to support the nationwide charity fundraiser to help he turned to Billie Bob Barbers to get a clean shave on the last day of October.

Tali's charity beard shave

Staff at the barbers, Tony Millington, George Pearson and Ainé larmour-Jones, Tali's younger sister, set to and removed his pride and joy.

"Both Unshaven and Billie Bob's are having a month long campaign to raise awareness for cancer," Tali said.

"Having previously taken part in 'Movember', I thought I would try something different this year for charity. The shave was to raise awareness and raise money for cancer treatment and research through the organisation, No-Shave November.

He said the campaign started in America but was fast gaining traction within the bearding world.

Tali's charity beard shave

"The idea is that people grow out their facial fuzz for the month of November in support of those who cannot due to cancer treatment.

"Having previously taken part in Movember, Go Sober for October and this year even the Refugee Challenge I've decided to give something else a go. I was torn between No Shave and Movember, but since both me and my barber, George, have taken part in Movember before I figured I would try No Shave November - and even shave my beard off for it."

Unshaven wants local men to send in the beard pictures - and women with fake beard - to feature on its facebook site, Unshaven.