Shropshire Star

Shropshire boys, aged four and six, send Christmas presents to soldiers

When Noah and Isaac O’Brien were told that their ‘daddy’ was not going to be with them on Christmas Day they wanted to pack up a box of presents for him.

Noah and Issac O’Brien with their mother Jayne who have collected and wrapped presents for soldiers on tour in Cyprus

The four and six-year-olds from St Martins near Oswestry chose presents for their soldier father, Lance Corporal Adam O’Brien, who is on tour in Cyprus, wrapped them and then asked about the other soldiers and their Christmas presents.

Their wish to make sure other soldiers enjoyed their Christmas snowballed and, thanks to a huge community effort, 100 shoebox Christmas boxes are being sent out to the regiment, normally based in Aldershot.

The boys’ grandmother, Jaqueline Amos, said she was very proud of Noah and Isaac, and their mother, her daughter, Jayne, who masterminded the festive operation.

“When Jayne told them ‘daddy’ wouldn’t be home for Christmas they were upset that he might not have presents to open," said Mrs Amos.


"Then they worried about the other soldiers.”

Jayne decided to mention this on social media and the people of St Martins set about helping to ensure they all had presents, Mrs Amos said.

“People donated not only presents to go in the shoe boxes, but crackers and Christmas hats, sweets and Christmas puddings," she added.

“We sat and took 100 of the explosive snaps out of 100 crackers as they are not allowed in the parcels.

“The house was absolutely full of presents and shoe boxes and Jayne wrapped every single shoe box herself.”

She said that the family wanted to thank everyone who had helped put together the shoe box presents which are now on their way to the regiment in Cyprus.